Urine Blood More Condition_symptoms What Can I Do For My Male Cat Now He Is Off Food And Has More Blood In Urine.?

What can I do for my male cat now he is off food and has more blood in urine.? - urine blood more condition_symptoms

GEM is 8 years old, neutered. H. He traveled abroad twice, to see a vet, it is now too weak to make another trip. the veterinarian is a sampling of the bladder and the blood test last week, the results due this week () April 16, is rapidly deteriorating my cat. The blood that made it clear today in his urine, what can I do for him at home. Do not eat (and drink very little).


Blackcat said...

Try calling the call to the vet in an emergency and declare that HES worse, and too weak to make him an operation, or can a bladder infection or kidney infection or even kidney or bladder stones, try eating pasta and in the leg lick the cat's paws like things because they do not like something in them.

Blackcat said...

Try calling the call to the vet in an emergency and declare that HES worse, and too weak to make him an operation, or can a bladder infection or kidney infection or even kidney or bladder stones, try eating pasta and in the leg lick the cat's paws like things because they do not like something in them.

Blackcat said...

Try calling the call to the vet in an emergency and declare that HES worse, and too weak to make him an operation, or can a bladder infection or kidney infection or even kidney or bladder stones, try eating pasta and in the leg lick the cat's paws like things because they do not like something in them.

bkguard0... said...

You need to eat or go on to have more problems than the blood in the stool. Try to provide a very strong smell of cat food or canned tuna. Cats love strong smelling food and eating alone, ask your veterinarian needs (not much) if you get a few shots. You may have to charge for them, but do not need to see the animal. Then, try mixing canned food with a little water and heating for a few seconds in the microwave until you can advance through the tip of the syringe to get. If you do not want to eat their own, it is necessary, the power supply, or someone who does not Find it. When it comes to liver lipidosis and get even worse.

bkguard0... said...

You need to eat or go on to have more problems than the blood in the stool. Try to provide a very strong smell of cat food or canned tuna. Cats love strong smelling food and eating alone, ask your veterinarian needs (not much) if you get a few shots. You may have to charge for them, but do not need to see the animal. Then, try mixing canned food with a little water and heating for a few seconds in the microwave until you can advance through the tip of the syringe to get. If you do not want to eat their own, it is necessary, the power supply, or someone who does not Find it. When it comes to liver lipidosis and get even worse.

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